Thursday, August 4, 2011

Spirally Challenged

Okay, I've got to admit it: I'm spirally challenged. In the 21 Secrets Art Journal Playground video that I working on it calls for using one of those kids' toys where you put the pencil in the slot and draw in a circle to make various designs.

Well, I can't do it, at least not very well unless it is the circle in the center of the disc. as these two pages from my Techniques Journal show.

But I do have some interesting pages that show the difference between backgrounds done on gessoed and non-gessoed pages.
Technique 1 is basically putting drops of paint on a page and spreading them with you fingers.

 Technique 1 (non-gessoed page on left)

 Technique 2 is putting drops of paint on the page and using a credit card to spread it.

Technique 2 (non-gessoed page on left)

 Technique 3 has the first two colors spread with a credit card and third color applied with a dry brush.
Technique 3 (non-gessoed page on left)
I'm not sure there is a "like" or don't "like" decision to be made. It's all a matter of what the desired effect is.

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